San Antonio,Texas
Private, Groups and Coorporate Yoga, Meditation, Healing Sound Baths, SUPYoga & Retreats

Yoga is not a religion, although its teachings are integral to most spiritual paths.
It is also not a mere exercise routine.
Yoga is a systematic science of self discovery, with the ultimate purpose of growing towards enlightenment. Through consistent yoga practice the body achieves maximum health at any age, while the mind is purified and the emotions are stabilized. These achievements however are only the beginning of what yoga offers. It is a dynamic pathway to awareness of one's own true self. Dating back thousands of years, yoga helps to release energy blockage in the body, clear the mind, relieve stress and induce a sense of harmony.
Yoga practice encourages your conscious living connection. Through this ancient art of renewal we learn to listen to our own inner guidance as well as work creatively with the classical postures and timeless instructions passed down through the ages. Using this dynamic and graceful approach to yoga emphasizes a balance between strength and flexibility,builds endurance and develops self awareness.
Through precision in movement and attention to the subtle aspects of posture and breath, Connie is dedicated to increasing the health and vitality of individuals while supporting their unlimited potential as spiritual beings.
This is where the path begins
Nothing is real until you feel it in your own body
The Eight Limbs of Yoga

The Eight Limbs of Yoga
Without practicing and observing the Yamas and Niyamas there is NO Yoga.
Ya m a / R e s t r a i n t s
The yamas are the means to regain balance in life. They include non-harming,truthfulness, non-stealing, moderation, and non-possessiveness.
N i y a m a / Ob s e r v a n c e s
The niyamas are practices that lead to wisdom and knowledge of the Self. They include purity, contentment, self-discipline, self-study, and self-surrender.
A s a n a / Po s t u r e Notice asana is not first
Asana includes both meditation and , its primary meaning and the poses used in hatha yoga to build health and self-awareness.
P r a n a y a m a / C o n t r o l & E x p a n s i o n o f E n e r g y
The breath is used to relax and steady nerves, improve concentration, and expand energy.
P r a t y a h a r a / S e n s e Wi t h d r a w a l
Through systematic relaxation the senses are naturally calmed and the mind is lead inward.
D h a r a n a / C o n c e n t r a t i o n
When the mind rests on its inner object it becomes stable.
D h y a n a / M e d i t a t i o n
When the effort to concentrate can be relaxed and held steady, the unbroken flow of concentration is called meditation.
S a m a d h i / S e l f R e a l i z a t i o n
Finally, the eternal self alone shines in the mind
The five yamas are guides to managing desires and to creating healthy relationships in the world.They are the means to regain
balance in life.
A h i m s a / N o n-H a r m i n g
Living the attitude of non-harming in words,actions and thoughts towards yourself and others. This reduces insecurity with others and brings peacefulness and trust into your life.
S a t y a / T r u t h f u l n e s s
When thought, word, and deed are aligned, the mind is put at ease. Saying what is beneficial and measured in a pleasant way is truthfulness.
A s t e y a / N o n-s t e a l i n g
Stealing promotes a mental attitude that “I do not have enough” and “without having what others have I cannot be happy.” And not just of material objects but also of others feelings and time.
Being punctual is a good example of practicing asteya. Non-stealing gives mental strength.
B r a h m a c h a r y a / M o d e r a t i o n
o f t h e S e n s es
Living a balanced life, all things in moderation.When sense pleasures become the focus of life they create chaos. Managing the senses promotes health, reduces wandering thoughts, and heightens energy. The practice of Brahmacharya is not some archaic form of moralizing, but rather a reminder that, if we use our energy wisely, we possess the resourses to live a fulfilling life.
A p a r i g r a h a / N o n - p o s s e s s i v e n e s s
The things of the world are ours to use but not to own. By having a correct attitude regarding our possessions we free our spirit for the joys of inner life. Also clinging onto feelings or people brings about desperation and sadness.
The niyamas are practices that lead to wisdom and knowledge of the Self.
S a u c h a /P u r i t y
Storing impurities in body or mind leads to ill health and reduces our capacity for inner work. Purity means both cleansing and proper nourishing of the body and mind.
S a n t o s h a /C o n t e n t m e n t
With contentment we gain happiness. This does not mean being complacent.Accept what has come to you without expectation, jealousy, bitterness, or frustration.
Ta p a s / S e l f-d i s c i p l i n e,
s p i r i t u a l p r a c t i c e
Tapas means “heat.” It implies effort. When we make a disciplined effort we build energy and enthusiasm for our task. Tapas leads to self-mastery.
S v a d h y a / S e l f-s t u d y
Self-study is the study of the Self, the Infinite dwelling in the finite. Through mantra repetition, a teacher’s words, and reading, Self-study inspires us to the Self.
I s h v a r a P r a n i d h a n a /
S e l f-S u r r e n d e r
By learning to trust in the sel and grace of the Infinite, the tension and burdens of ego are washed off. After our own full effort, grace enters.

God, as the name of the universal life force,
worshiped in different forms by every religion and faith.
The name we use doesn't matter, the dedication does...

10 Essentials for practice
An evolutionary is someone who is on a quest for personal growth.
We consistently reach for our potential despite the discomfort we may encounter. Since it’s not an easy feat, it helps to have some general guidelines to remind us of why we have chosen to walk this path.
1. Commit to Growth
I pledge to make growth my number one priority. In pursuing the constant unfolding of my being, I am destined to create and experience the highest good.
2. Release Expectations
I release my unfair expectations of others. It is my responsibility to determine what is acceptable within my relationships. Though I can communicate my preferences, it is not my place to demand that others fit within this sphere.
3. Seek Truth
I greet the truth willingly. I understand it is the only way to move through life and experience it as it is meant to be. I am prepared to make the truth my ally.
4. Be Accountable
I am accountable for all of my actions. I realize that to place responsibility elsewhere is to forfeit my divine given power.
5. Listen to Intuition
I appreciate that little voice representing Divine perspective. I promise to listen to the whispers of guidance that have been provided to aid me on my journey.
6. Exhibit Gratitude
I consistently thank the Universe for all that has been graciously given to me. I move with awareness, noticing the everyday miracles that surround me. I take nothing for granted.
7. Embrace Change
I am open to the dynamic nature of life. I freely release the past and live in the present moment. I view the unknown as an adventure and not a threat. I happily welcome the mystery of life.
8. Practice Solitude
I observe the importance of solitude. I consciously make time for it everyday in order to strengthen my connection to Divine energy.
9. Respect Self
I value the being that I am on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. I exercise patience with myself and never disregard my inherent greatness through word or action.
10. Express Authenticity
I am compelled to show up in the world as my true self. I welcome my unique nature and understand that it fits into the puzzle of humanity, presenting an essential part of the big picture. It is my duty to unapologetically be me.
I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light, and peace.When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me.
We are one.